Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Sadly, this is the first Halloween without Spider, but we would like to think that he is haunting us as a ghostly spirity cat this year, bless him…. Missing you…

Ruby watches the Rain

We had the first bit of proper rain (well, one short heavy downpour at least) in Puerto del Carmen yesterday, and check out Ruby looking on in amazement. 🙂  …

Spider’s Ashes

Spider’s Ashes

I picked up Spider’s ashes from my vets in Tías yesterday. Driving home, I “talked” to him and cried all the way home, and had to make a stop because…

Naughty Nelly!

She just loves to nibble on those morning glory flowers. They don’t appear to have any harmful effect on her, she doesn’t even vomit afterwards, so we gather they are…